Our Action Plan

The Equalities Network has been commissioned by NHS Grampian’s Director of People and Culture to undertake three key pieces of work on behalf of the organisation.

  1. Raise awareness of the need to become a more inclusive workforce
  2. Identify 5 measurable priority areas that will improve Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in NHS Grampian
  3. Support the development of a staff Equality Ambassador role

In order to work towards achieving these aims, the Equalities Network will:

  • Develop safe and meaningful spaces to hear from our diverse workforce and learn from lived experience.
  • Develop effective reporting pathways and provide support which is easy to access for all staff who feel they have been affected by racism and discrimination
  • Recognise and celebrate the contribution of our diverse workforce using an appreciative lens.
  • Use data to develop and evidence base to monitor progress in priority areas, particularly where people from minority ethnic backgrounds are disadvantaged
  • Identify opportunities to step into ‘positive action’ to address the structural inequality that exists within all our institutions and perpetuates unconscious bias
  • To encourage our senior leaders to lead by example and inspire all our staff to adopt an anti-racist and anti-discriminatory perspective

You can also view this short presentation (pdf) for further information about how the Staff Equalities Network developed during 2021.

Published: 09/08/2023 15:24